

const EventEmitter = require('events');
const Merge = require('merge-anything');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const _WABOT = require('../lib/browser');
const ConvertBase64 = require('../lib/convertBase64');
const Stickers = require('../lib/stickers');
const Vcards = require('../lib/vcards');
const TYPES = require('../types/validTypes');
const types = new TYPES();
const convert64 = new ConvertBase64();
const vcard = new Vcards();
const puppeteerDefault = require('../types/puppeteer.config.json');
const intentsDefault = require('../types/intents.json');

const Params = require('./params');
const getRandomItem = (array) => {
    return array[Math.floor(Math.random()*array.length)]

const randomUUI = (a,b) => {for(b=a='';a++<36;b+=a*51&52?(a^15?8^Math.random()*(a^20?16:4):4).toString(16):'');return b}

const escapeRegExp = (string) => {
    return string.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, "\\$&");

const replaceAll = (str, term, replacement) => {
  return str.replace(new RegExp(escapeRegExp(term), 'g'), replacement);
 *WABOT class for interact whit whatsapp web
 * @class WABOT
 * @extends {EventEmitter}
 * @param {object} opts - Wabot options
 * @param {object} opts.puppeteerConfig - Puppeteer launch options
 * @param {string} opts.puppeteerConfig.WAUrl - Whatsapp Web Url
 * @param {string} opts.puppeteerConfig.sessionPath - Path to save the session info for restore this in the future
 * @param {boolean} opts.puppeteerConfig.viewBrowser - Show browser (headless)
 * @param {boolean} opts.puppeteerConfig.opendevtools - Show devtools (console)
 * @param {string} opts.puppeteerConfig.userAgent - User Agent for web browser 
 * @param {number} opts.puppeteerConfig.width - Width for web browser 
 * @param {number} opts.puppeteerConfig.heigth - Height for web browser
 * @param {boolean} opts.puppeteerConfig.dowloadChromeVersion - Download chromium browser or use local google chome
 * @param {number} opts.puppeteerConfig.chromeVersion - Version of chromium to download
 * @param {string} opts.puppeteerConfig.localChromePath - Google chrome executable path
 * @param {string} opts.puppeteerConfig.getInitScreenshot - Allows you to take a screenshot when you start WhatsApp in order to detect problems when running in headless mode
 * @param {string} opts.puppeteerConfig.localChromePath - File name to save the screenshot
 * @param {string} opts.puppeteerConfig.args - Args to open the web browser
 * @param {object} opts.intentConfig - Execution and internal options
 * @param {boolean} opts.intentConfig.showContent - Display chats in browser
 * @param {string} opts.intentConfig.debug - Debug mode for view console logs
 * @param {string[]} opts.intentConfig.removeBgApis - Api keys for
 * @param {object} opts.intentConfig.plugins - Options for plugins config 
 * @param {string} opts.intentConfig.plugins.folder - Folder containing the plugins
 * @param {string[]} opts.intentConfig.plugins.plugins - Array containing the plugin names to use
 * @param {object} opts.intentConfig.plugins.setup - Configuration of each plugin
 * @param {object} opts.intentConfig.executions - Options for control chats
 * @param {boolean} opts.intentConfig.executions.reponseUsers - Control response to users 
 * @param {boolean} opts.intentConfig.executions.simulateTyping - Simulate typing in chat 
 * @param {number} opts.intentConfig.executions.timeSimulate - Time in ms for simulate typing 
 * @param {boolean} opts.intentConfig.executions.contorlExecutions - Control chats to enqueue messages 
 * @param {number} opts.intentConfig.executions.maxExecutions - Max messages to process in the same time
 * @param {number} opts.intentConfig.executions.timeInterval - Time in seconds to queue messages
 * @param {number} opts.intentConfig.executions.timePending - Time in minutes to search for pending messages
 * @param {boolean} opts.intentConfig.executions.sendSeen - Send seen ticket 
 * @param {boolean} opts.intentConfig.executions.sendSeenFull - Send seen ticket to all pending messages on login
 * @param {number} opts.intentConfig.executions.intervalSendSeen - Time in minutes for search pending messages to send seen
 * @param {object} opts.intentConfig.bann - Bann options 
 * @param {boolean} - Control bann users
 * @param {number} opts.intentConfig.bann.timeInterval - Time in seconds to validate spam messages
 * @param {number} opts.intentConfig.bann.maxBann - Maximum number of messages allowed in the indicated amount of time
 * @param {number} opts.intentConfig.bann.timeBann - Time in minutes for temporary ban
 * @param {number} opts.intentConfig.bann.timeInactive - Time in minutes to release banned users who are inactive for the specified time
 * @param {string[]} opts.intentConfig.bann.whiteList - List of users who will not be banned
 * @param {object} opts.intentConfig.messages - Message settings
 * @param {string} opts.intentConfig.messages.userBanned - Message to display when a user is banned
 * @param {string} opts.intentConfig.messages.groupBanned - Message to display when a group is banned
 * @param {string} opts.intentConfig.messages.privileges - Message to display when you do not have privileges to use the bot
 * @param {string[]} opts.intentConfig.blocked - List of users who cannot use the bot
 * @param {string[]} opts.intentConfig.whiteList - List of users who can use the bot
 * @param {object[]} opts.intentConfig.commands - List of commands to evaluate in user messages
 * @param {string} - Name of the command
 * @param {string[]} opts.intentConfig.commands.contains - Contains word on message
 * @param {string[]} opts.intentConfig.commands.exact - Message is the same as what is contained here
 * @param {object[]} opts.intentConfig.commands.params - Parameters to require
 * @param {string} - Name of the param
 * @param {boolean} opts.intentConfig.commands.params.isNumber - Is a number param
 * @param {string[]} opts.intentConfig.commands.params.request - Questions to request the parameter
 * @param {string[]} opts.intentConfig.commands.params.values - Allowed values. If any is allowed, "any" must be indicated
 * @param {string[]} opts.intentConfig.commands.params.badResponse - Messages to send in case of illegal values
 * @param {object} opts.session - Object containing session information. Can be used to restore the session.
 * @param {string} opts.session.WABrowserId
 * @param {string} opts.session.WASecretBundle
 * @param {string} opts.session.WAToken1
 * @param {string} opts.session.WAToken2
 * @fires WABOT#ready
 * @fires WABOT#onStateChanged
 * @fires WABOT#onMessageFromBloqued
 * @fires WABOT#onMessageFromNoPrivileges
 * @fires WABOT#waitNewAcknowledgements
 * @fires WABOT#onBattery
 * @fires WABOT#onPlugged
 * @fires WABOT#onRemovedFromGroup
 * @fires WABOT#onParticipantsChanged
 * @fires WABOT#onMessageMediaUploadedEvent
 * @fires WABOT#vcard
 * @fires WABOT#message
 * @fires WABOT#command
class WABOT extends EventEmitter {
    constructor(opts = {}){
        // Messages callbacks history
        this.callbacks = [];
        this.isLogged = false;
        if(opts !== undefined && typeof opts === 'object'){
            this.puppeterConfig = opts.puppeteerConfig || {}; 
            this.intentConfig = opts.intentsConfig || {};
        }else {
            this.puppeterConfig = puppeteerDefault;
            this.intentConfig = intentsDefault;

        this.puppeteerConfig = this.mergeOpts(puppeteerDefault, this.puppeterConfig);
        this.intentConfig = this.mergeOpts(intentsDefault, this.intentConfig);

        this.sticker = new Stickers(this.intentConfig.removeBgApis);

        // Add plugins
        if (this.intentConfig.plugins.plugins.length > 0) {

        this._wabot = new _WABOT({
            puppeteerConfig: this.puppeteerConfig,
            intentConfig: this.intentConfig,
            session: opts.session

        this._wabot.on('message', (arg) => {

        this._wabot.on('onStateChanged', (arg) => {
            * Emitted when the connection state changes
            * @event WABOT#onStateChanged
            * @param {object} arg - State info
            this.emit('onStateChanged', arg);

        this._wabot.on('onMessageFromBloqued', (arg) => {
             * Emitted when a message is received from a bloqued user
             * @event WABOT#onMessageFromBloqued
             * @param {object} arg - Message info
            this.emit('onMessageFromBloqued', arg);

        this._wabot.on('onMessageFromNoPrivileges', (arg) => {
             * Emitted when a message is received from a non-privileged user
             * @event WABOT#onMessageFromNoPrivileges
             * @param {object} arg - Message info
            this.emit('onMessageFromNoPrivileges', arg);
        this._wabot.on('waitNewAcknowledgements', (arg) => {
             * Emitted when a the acknowledgement state of a message changes.
             * @event WABOT#waitNewAcknowledgements
             * @param {object} arg 
            this.emit('waitNewAcknowledgements', arg);
        this._wabot.on('onBattery', (arg) => {
             * Emitted when the battery percentage for the attached device changes
             * @event WABOT#onBattery
             * @param {number} arg - The current battery percentage
            this.emit('onBattery', arg);
        this._wabot.on('onPlugged', (arg) => {
             * Emitted when add a participant of the group 
             * @event WABOT#onPlugged
             * @param {boolean} arg - True or False
            this.emit('onPlugged', arg);
        this._wabot.on('onAddedToGroup', (arg) => {
             * Emitted when add a participant of the group 
             * @event WABOT#onAddedToGroup
             * @param {object} arg 
            this.emit('onAddedToGroup', arg);
        this._wabot.on('onRemovedFromGroup', (arg) => {
             * Emitted when remove a participant of the group 
             * @event WABOT#onRemovedFromGroup
             * @param {object} arg 
            this.emit('onRemovedFromGroup', arg);
        this._wabot.on('onParticipantsChanged', (arg) => {
             * Emitted when a participant of the group change 
             * @event WABOT#onParticipantsChanged
             * @param {object} arg 
             * @param {string} 
             * @param {string} arg.action - Promote or Demote
             * @param {string} arg.who - Id of the user  
            this.emit('onParticipantsChanged', arg);
        this._wabot.on('onMessageMediaUploadedEvent', (arg) => {
             * Emitted when media has been uploaded for a message sent by the client.
             * @event WABOT#onMessageMediaUploadedEvent
             * @param {object} message - The message with media that was uploaded
            this.emit('onMessageMediaUploadedEvent', arg);

        this._wabot.on('ready', (session) => {
            this.isLogged = true;
             * Emitted when WABOT is ready to work
             * @event WABOT#ready
             * @param {object} session Object containing session information. Can be used to restore the session.
             * @param {string} session.WABrowserId
             * @param {string} session.WASecretBundle
             * @param {string} session.WAToken1
             * @param {string} session.WAToken2
            this.emit('ready', session);

    mergeOpts (defaultOpts, customOpts) {
        return Merge.merge(defaultOpts, customOpts);

    emitMessage (type, arg){
        switch (type) {
            case 'message': 
                * Emitted when an uncontrolled message is received
                * @event WABOT#message
                * @param {object} arg - Message Info
                this.emit('message', arg); 
            case 'vcard': 
                * Emitted when a vcard pis received
                * @event WABOT#vcard
                * @param {object} arg - Message Info
                this.emit('message', arg); 
                * Emitted when a command is detected
                * @event WABOT#command
                * @param {object} arg - Message Info
                this.emit(type, arg); 

    getNewMessages(arg) {
        let _this = this;
        if (this.intentConfig.commands.length === 0) {
            switch ( {
                case "vcard":
                    .then(res => {
               = res; 
                        _this.emitMessage('vcard', arg);
                case "document": case "sticker": case "video": case "gif":
                    _this.emitMessage('message', arg);
                    _this.emitMessage('message', arg);
        }else {
            switch ( {
                case "vcard":
                    .then(res => {
               = res; 
                        _this.emitMessage('vcard', arg);
                case "sticker": case "video": case "gif":
                    _this.emitMessage('message', arg);
                case "document": 
                    if (!_this.validCallbackResponse({
                        message: arg
                        _this.emitMessage('message', arg);
                    let exactMatch, PartialMatch, _match, _find;
                    let response = arg;
                    _find = false;
                    let _message; 
                    if ( === 'chat'){
                        _message =;
                    }else {
                        _message =;
                    exactMatch = this.intentConfig.commands.find(obj => obj.exact.find(ex => ex.toLowerCase() == _message.toLowerCase()));
                    if (exactMatch !== undefined) {
                        response.params = Params.getParams(exactMatch, '');
                        _match = exactMatch;
                        _find = true;
                        let exactMatch = this.intentConfig.commands.find(obj => obj.exact.find(ex => _message.toLowerCase().trim().indexOf(ex.toLowerCase().trim()) === 0));
                        if (exactMatch != undefined && exactMatch.params) {
                            let initCommand = exactMatch.exact.find(ex => _message.toLowerCase().trim().indexOf(ex.toLowerCase().trim()) === 0);
                            let _arguments = _message.toLowerCase().replace(initCommand.toLowerCase(), "").trim();
                            response.params = Params.getParams(exactMatch, _arguments);
                            if (typeof exactMatch.params !== 'undefined' && exactMatch.params.length > 0){
                                _match = exactMatch;
                                _find = true;
                            PartialMatch = this.intentConfig.commands.find(obj => obj.contains !== undefined && obj.contains.find(ex => _message.toLowerCase().search(ex.toLowerCase()) > -1));
                            if (PartialMatch != undefined) {
                                if (PartialMatch.isFile) PartialMatch['values'] = "any";
                                _match = PartialMatch;
                                _find = true;

                    if (!_find) {
                        if (!_this.validCallbackResponse({
                            message: arg
                            _this.emitMessage('message', arg);
                    } else {
                        // Request first param else emit intent
                        if (_match.params && Array.isArray(_match.params) && _match.params.length > 0){                            
                            let index = Params.getNextPendingValue(_match, response.params);
                            if (index === 'no_data') {
                                _this.emitMessage(, response);
                            } else {
                                if (typeof _match.params[index] === 'object'){
                                        intent: _match,
                                        idParam: index,
                                        values: response.params
                                } else {
                                    _this.emitMessage(, response);
                        } else {
                            _this.emitMessage(, response);

        if (typeof this.callbacks[args.idChat] !== 'undefined'){
            if (this.callbacks[args.idChat].isFinished) {
                return false;
            } else {
                return true;
        } else {
            return false;

    async validCallbackResponse(args){
        if (this.validCallback({idChat: args.idChat})){
            let caption = "";
            if ( === 'chat'){
                caption =;
            } else {
                caption =;
            caption = caption.trim().toLowerCase();
            const _possibleValues = this.callbacks[args.idChat].possibleValues;
            let currentParam = this.callbacks[args.idChat].currentParam;
            const requireFile = this.callbacks[args.idChat].requireFile;
            let response;
            if (requireFile) {
                if ( === 'document') {
                    const file = await this.downloadFile(;
                    const pathFile = path.join(this.intentConfig.downloadPath, `${randomUUI()}${path.extname(}`);
                    fs.writeFileSync(pathFile, file.split(';base64,').pop(), {encoding: 'base64'});
                    response = pathFile;
            } else if (typeof _possibleValues === 'object'){
                response = Object.keys(_possibleValues).find(key => _possibleValues[key].find(obj => obj.toLowerCase() == caption));
            } else {
                if ( _possibleValues === 'any' ) {
                    if (this.callbacks[args.idChat].intent.params[currentParam].isNumber){
                        try {
                            response = isNaN(parseInt(caption)) ? '' : parseInt(caption);
                        } catch (e) {
                            response = '';
                    } else {
                        response = caption;
            if (response !== undefined && response !== '') {
                let param = this.callbacks[args.idChat].intent.params[currentParam].name;
                let value;
                if (requireFile) value = response;
                    if (typeof _possibleValues === 'object'){
                        if (this.callbacks[args.idChat].customValues.length > 0) {
                            value = this.callbacks[args.idChat].customValues[response].value;
                        } else {
                            if (typeof this.callbacks[args.idChat].intent.params[currentParam].values[response] === 'object') {
                                value = this.callbacks[args.idChat].intent.params[currentParam].values[response].value;
                            } else {
                                value = this.callbacks[args.idChat].intent.params[currentParam].values[response];
                    } else {
                        value = response;
                this.callbacks[args.idChat].values[param] = value;
                currentParam = Params.getNextPendingValue(this.callbacks[args.idChat].intent, this.callbacks[args.idChat].values);
                if (currentParam === 'no_data') {
                    this.callbacks[args.idChat].isFinished = true;
                    let _message = args.message;
                    _message.params = this.callbacks[args.idChat].values;
                    this.emitMessage(this.callbacks[args.idChat], _message);
                } else {
                    this.callbacks[args.idChat].currentParam = currentParam;
                        idChat: args.idChat, 
                        message: args.message, 
                        intent: this.callbacks[args.idChat].intent,
                        idParam: currentParam,
                        values: this.callbacks[args.idChat].values
            } else {
                let text = getRandomItem(this.callbacks[args.idChat].intent.params[currentParam].badResponse);
                    "idChat": args.idChat,
                    "message": text
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

        if (typeof this.callbacks[idChat] !== 'undefined'){
            delete this.callbacks[idChat];

        let index = args.idParam;
        let _values = {};
        let _possibleValues = {};
        let _customValues = [];
        let cont = 0;
        if (this.validCallback({idChat: args.idChat})){
            _values = this.callbacks[args.idChat].values;
        } else {
            _values = args.values;

        let isFile = false;
        if (args.intent.params[index].isFile) {
            isFile = args.intent.params[index].isFile;
        } else if (Array.isArray(args.intent.params[index].values)){
            // If custom values ​​are configured
            let valuesToDisplay = [];
            if (args.intent.params[index].customValues && args.intent.params[index].customValues.length > 0) {
                args.intent.params[index].customValues.forEach(customValue => {
                    if (_values[customValue.param] !== undefined 
                        && _values[customValue.param] === customValue.paramValue
                    ) {
            if (valuesToDisplay.length === 0) {
                valuesToDisplay = args.intent.params[index].values;
            valuesToDisplay.forEach((value) => {
                if (typeof value === 'object'){
                    _possibleValues[cont] = [(cont+1).toString(), value.display, value.value];
                } else {
                    _possibleValues[cont] = [(cont+1).toString(), value];
        } else {
            if (args.intent.params[index].values === 'any'){
                _possibleValues = "any";

        this.callbacks[args.idChat] = {
            message: args.message,
            intent: args.intent, 
            currentParam: index,
            isFinished: false,
            requireFile: isFile,
            possibleValues: _possibleValues,
            values: _values,
            customValues: _customValues

        let text = getRandomItem(args.intent.params[index].request) + String.fromCharCode(10);
        for (var i=0; i<cont; i++){
            let options = [];
            //text += _possibleValues[(i).toString()].join('.- ') + String.fromCharCode(10);
            text += options.join('.- ') + String.fromCharCode(10);
            "idChat": args.idChat,
            "message": text

    addPlugins (plugins) {
        if (Array.isArray(plugins.plugins)) {
            // Read plugins folder
            const pathPlugins = path.join(__dirname, plugins.folder);
            fs.readdir(pathPlugins, (err, files) => {
                if (err) { 
                    console.error('Error reading plugins directory'); 
                } else {
                    let pluginsFiles = [];
                    files.forEach(file => {
                        if (file.indexOf('.js') !== -1){
                            const {id, setup, plugin, init} = require(path.join(pathPlugins, file));
                            const metadata = {
                                id: id,
                                setup: setup,
                                init: init,
                                plugin: plugin

                    plugins.plugins.forEach(plugin => {
                        const pluginFile = pluginsFiles.find(el => === plugin);
                        if (pluginFile !== undefined) {
                            Object.assign(this, {
                                []: pluginFile.plugin
                            if (typeof pluginFile.init !== 'undefined') {
                            if (typeof plugins.setup[plugin] !== 'undefined') {

    addCommand (command) {

    deleteCommand (commandName) {
        this.intentConfig.commands = this.intentConfig.commands.filter(el => !== commandName);
     * Send text as image 
     * @param {object} args - The message info
     * @param {string} args.idChat - Id Chat
     * @param {string} args.idMessage - Id of message to reply
     * @param {string} args.message - Message to send
        let data = types.valid('text', args);
        if (data.isValid){
        }else {

     * Download file from message received from others users
     * @param {string} idMessage - Message id containing the file to download
     * @returns {Promise<string>} file in base64 or error message
    async downloadFile(idMessage){
        return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
            .then((file) => {
            .catch((err) => {

     * Send text as image 
     * @param {object} args - The message info
     * @param {string} args.idChat - Id Chat
     * @param {string} args.idMessage - Id of message to reply
     * @param {string} args.caption - Caption to display in the message 
     * @param {string} args.message - Message to convert into image
        let data = types.valid('text2image', args);
        if (data.isValid){
        }else {

     * Send a image file 
     * @param {object} args - The message info
     * @param {string} args.idChat - Id Chat
     * @param {string} args.idMessage - Id of message to reply
     * @param {string} args.caption - Caption to display in the message 
     * @param {string} args.file - Url, base64 or path to the file
        if (typeof args.file !== 'undefined' && args.file !== ''){
            .then(res => {
                args.file = res;
                let data = types.valid('image', args);
                if (data.isValid){
                }else {
            .catch(err => {
                console.error(`Error converting to base64.`, err);

     * Send a file 
     * @param {object} args - The message info
     * @param {string} args.idChat - Id Chat
     * @param {string} args.idMessage - Id of message to reply
     * @param {string} args.caption - Caption to display in the message 
     * @param {string} args.file - Url, base64 or path to the file
        if (typeof args.file !== 'undefined' && args.file !== ''){
            .then(res => {
                args.file = res;
                let data = types.valid('document', args);
                if (data.isValid){
                }else {
            .catch(err => {
                console.error(`Error converting to base64.`, err);

     * Send a video file 
     * @param {object} args - The message info
     * @param {string} args.idChat - Id Chat
     * @param {string} args.idMessage - Id of message to reply
     * @param {string} args.caption - Caption to display in the message 
     * @param {string} args.file - Url, base64 or path to the file
        if (typeof args.file !== 'undefined' && args.file !== ''){
            .then(res => {
                args.file = res;
                let data = types.valid('video', args);
                if (data.isValid){
                }else {
            .catch(err => {
                console.error(`Error converting to base64.`, err);

     * Send a gif file 
     * @param {object} args - The message info
     * @param {string} args.idChat - Id Chat
     * @param {string} args.idMessage - Id of message to reply
     * @param {string} args.caption - Caption to display in the message 
     * @param {string} args.file - Url, base64 or path to the file
        if (typeof args.file !== 'undefined' && args.file !== ''){
            .then(res => {
                args.file = res;
                let data = types.valid('gif', args);
                if (data.isValid){
                }else {
            .catch(err => {
                console.error(`Error converting to base64.`, err);

     * Send a music file 
     * @param {object} args - The message info
     * @param {string} args.idChat - Id Chat
     * @param {string} args.idMessage - Id of message to reply
     * @param {string} args.caption - Caption to display in the message 
     * @param {string} args.file - Url, base64 or path to the file
        if (typeof args.file !== 'undefined' && args.file !== ''){
            .then(res => {
                args.file = res;
                args.fileType = 'music';
                let data = types.valid('music', args);
                if (data.isValid){
                }else {
            .catch(err => {
                console.error(`Error converting to base64.`, err);

     * Send a link
     * @param {object} args - The message info
     * @param {string} args.idChat - Id Chat
     * @param {string} args.idMessage - Id of message to reply
     * @param {string} args.caption - Caption to display in the message 
     * @param {string} - Url to send
        let data = types.valid('link', args);
        if (data.isValid){
        }else {

     * Send a sticker
     * @param {object} args - The message info
     * @param {string} args.idChat - Id Chat
     * @param {string} args.idMessage - Id of message to reply
     * @param {string} args.file - Url, base64 or Path of the image (with or without background)
        if (typeof args.file !== 'undefined' && args.file !== ''){
            .then(res => {
                args.file = res.file;
                let data = types.valid('sticker', args);
                if (data.isValid){
                }else {
            .catch(err => {
                console.error(`Error creating sticker.`, err);

     * Send a location 
     * @param {object} args - The message info
     * @param {string} args.idChat - Id Chat
     * @param {string} args.idMessage - Id of message to reply
     * @param {string} - Latitude of the location
     * @param {string} args.lng - Location of the location
     * @param {string} args.title - Title to display
        let data = types.valid('location', args);
        if (data.isValid){
        }else {

     * Send a contact as vcard
     * @param {object} args - The message info
     * @param {string} args.idChat - Id Chat
     * @param {string} args.idMessage - Id of message to reply
     * @param {string} args.contactName - Contact Name to display 
     * @param {object} args.vcard - Contact info
     * @param {string} args.vcard.firstName - First Name 
     * @param {string} args.vcard.middleName - Middle Name 
     * @param {string} args.vcard.lastName - Last Name 
     * @param {string} args.vcard.organization - Organization
     * @param {string} args.vcard.birthday - Dirthday date
     * @param {string} args.vcard.title - Title to display
     * @param {string} args.vcard.url - Url
     * @param {string} args.vcard.note - Note
     * @param {string} args.vcard.nickname - Nickname
     * @param {string} args.vcard.namePrefix - Name Prefix 
     * @param {string} args.vcard.nameSuffix - Name Suffix
     * @param {string} args.vcard.gender - Gender
     * @param {string} args.vcard.role - Role
     * @param {string} args.vcard.homePhone - Home Phone
     * @param {string} args.vcard.workPhone - Work Phone
     * @param {string} args.vcard.cellPhone - Cell Phone
     * @param {string} args.vcard.pagerPhone - Pager Phone
     * @param {string} args.vcard.homeFax - Home Fax
     * @param {string} args.vcard.workFax - Work Fax
     * @param {string} - Email
     * @param {string} args.vcard.workEmail - Work Email
     * @param {string} args.vcard.socialUrlsFacebook - Social Urls Facebook
     * @param {string} args.vcard.socialUrlsLinkedin - Social Urls Linkedin
     * @param {string} args.vcard.socialUrlsTwitter - Social Urls Twitter
     * @param {string} args.vcard.socialUrlsFlickr - Social Urls Flickr
     * @param {string} args.vcard.socialUrlsCustom - Social Urls Custom
     * @param {string} args.vcard.homeAddressLabel - Home Address Label
     * @param {string} args.vcard.homeAddressStreet - Home Address Street
     * @param {string} args.vcard.homeAddressCity - Home Address City
     * @param {string} args.vcard.homeAddressStateProvince - Home Address State Province
     * @param {string} args.vcard.homeAddressPostalCode - Home Address Postal Code
     * @param {string} args.vcard.homeAddressCountryRegion - Home Address Country Region
     * @param {string} args.vcard.workAddressLabel - Work Address Label
     * @param {string} args.vcard.workAddressStreet - Work Address Street
     * @param {string} args.vcard.workAddressCity - Work Address City
     * @param {string} args.vcard.workAddressStateProvince - Work Address State Province
     * @param {string} args.vcard.workAddressPostalCode - Work Address Postal Code
     * @param {string} args.vcard.workAddressCountryRegion - Work Address Country Region
     * @param {string} - Photo (url or path)
        let data = types.valid('vcard', args);
        if (data.isValid){
            let _vcard = vcard.createVcard(;
   = _vcard;
        }else {

     * Returns an object with all of your host device details
     * @returns {Promise<object>}
    async getMe() {
        return this._wabot.getMe();

     * Returns the version of WhatsApp Web currently being run
     * @returns {Promise<string>}
    async getWAVersion() {
        return this._wabot.getWAVersion();

     * Get current battery percentage and charging status for the attached device
     * @returns {number} battery - The current battery percentage
    async getBatteryLevel() {
        return this._wabot.getBatteryLevel();

     * Get all chats
     * @returns {Promise<Object[]>}
    async getAllChats() {
        return this._wabot.getAllChats();
     * Get all chats with pending messages
     * @returns {Promise<Object[]>}
    async getAllChatsWithNewMsg() {
        return this._wabot.getAllChatsWithNewMsg();

     * Get chat instance by ID
     * @param {string} chatId 
     * @returns {Promise<Chat>}
    async getChatById(chatId) {
        return this._wabot.getChatById(chatId);

     * Get message by Id
     * @param {string} messageId - Message Id
     * @returns {Promise<Object[]>}
    async getMessageById(messageId) {
        return this._wabot.getMessageById(messageId);

     * Get all unread messages
     * @returns {Promise<Object[]>}
    async getAllUnreadMessages() {
        return this._wabot.getAllUnreadMessages();

     * Fetches all group metadata objects from store
     * @returns {Array|*} List of group metadata
    async getAllGroupMetadata() {
        return this._wabot.getAllGroupMetadata();

     * Fetches group metadata object from store by ID
     * @param {string} groupId - ID of group
     * @returns {T|*} Group metadata object
    async getGroupMetadata(groupId) {
        return this._wabot.getGroupMetadata(groupId);

     * Create a new group
     * @param {string} name group title
     * @param {Array<Contact|string>} contactsId an array of Contacts or contact IDs to add to the group
     * @returns {Object} createRes
     * @returns {string} createRes.gid - ID for the group that was just created
     * @returns {Object.<string,string>} createRes.missingParticipants - participants that were not added to the group. Keys represent the ID for participant that was not added and its value is a status code that represents the reason why participant could not be added. This is usually 403 if the user's privacy settings don't allow you to add them to groups.
    async createGroup(name, contactsId) {
        return this._wabot.createGroup(name, contactsId);

     * Gets the list of all users
     * @param {string} contactId
     * @returns {Promise<Contact[]>}
    async getAllContacts() {
        return this._wabot.getAllContacts();

     * Get the user's registered contact list
     * @param {string} contactId
     * @returns {Promise<Contact[]>}
    async getMyContacts() {
        return this._wabot.getMyContacts();

     * Get contact instance by ID
     * @param {string} contactId
     * @returns {Promise<Contact>}
    async getContactById(contactId) {
        return this._wabot.getContactById(contactId);

     * Returns an object with information about the invite code's group
     * @param {string} inviteCode 
     * @returns {Promise<object>} Invite information
    async getInviteInfo(inviteCode) {
        return this._wabot.getInviteInfo(inviteCode);

     * Get the invite code's group
     * @param {string} chatId
     * @returns {Promise<string>} Invite Code
    async getGroupInviteLink(chatId) {
        return this._wabot.getGroupInviteLink(chatId);

     * Accepts an invitation to join a group
     * @param {string} inviteCode Invitation code
    async joinGroupViaLink(inviteCode) {
        return this._wabot.joinGroupViaLink(inviteCode);

     * Sets the current user's status message
     * @param {string} status New status message
    async setStatusMessage(newStatus){
        return this._wabot.logout(newStatus);

     * Gets the current status message
     * @returns {string} status message
    async getStatus(){
        return this._wabot.getStatus();

     * Enables and returns the archive state of the Chat
     * @returns {boolean}
    async archiveChat(idChat, archive){
        return this._wabot.archiveChat(idChat, archive);

     * Marks the client as online or offline
     * @param {boolean} - true for online false for offline
    async setPresence(presence){
        return this._wabot.setPresence(presence);

     * Sets the current user's display name. 
     * This is the name shown to WhatsApp users that have not added you as a contact beside your number in groups and in your profile.
     * @param {string} displayName New display name
    async setDisplayName(newName){
        return this._wabot.setDisplayName(newName);

     * Check if a given ID is registered in whatsapp
     * @param {string} id the whatsapp user's ID
     * @returns {Promise<Boolean>}
    async validNumberExists(id){
        return this._wabot.validNumberExists(id);

     * Mutes the Chat until a specified date
     * @param {string} chatId ID of the chat that will be muted
     * @param {Date} unmuteDate Date when the chat will be unmuted
    async muteChat(chatId, unmuteDate) {
        this._wabot.muteChat(chatId, unmuteDate);

     * Unmutes the Chat
     * @param {string} chatId ID of the chat that will be unmuted
    async unmuteChat(chatId) {

     * Pins the Chat
     * @returns {Promise<boolean>} New pin state. Could be false if the max number of pinned chats was reached.
    async pinChat(chatId) {
        return this._wabot.pinChat(chatId);

     * Unpins the Chat
     * @returns {Promise<boolean>} New pin state
    async unpinChat(chatId) {
        return this._wabot.unpinChat(chatId);

     * Enables and returns the archive state of the Chat
     * @returns {boolean}
    async archiveChat(chatId) {
        return this._wabot.archiveChat(chatId);

     * Changes and returns the archive state of the Chat
     * @returns {boolean}
    async unarchiveChat(chatId) {
        return this._wabot.unarchiveChat(chatId);

     * Gets the current connection state for the client
     * @returns WAState
    async getState(){
        return this._wabot.getState();

     * Force reset of connection state for the client
    async resetState(){
        return this._wabot.resetState();

     * Logs out the client, closing the current session
  "You must first be logged in.");
     * To know if the process is ready
    isReady() {
        return this.isLogged;
     * Start session on whatsapp web 

module.exports = WABOT;